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plants tab

Gert Peeters
09 Oct, 18:15
The tab where I can add plants has disappeared. Any idea what the cause is? Possible solution?

09 Oct, 19:49
Hi there Gert
We have removed that ( there was a warning that it was going to go in August so we are a couple of months late ). We have not had the resource to maintain that part of the web app, so it's been removed. Apologies if you were enjoying it. We had great plans for a crop database and planting support but we've decided to focus on the company on producing hardware and products, there is a lot of growing information elsewhere online.

Gert Peeters
09 Oct, 20:03
thanks chris. How do I get the app installed on my smartphone again... For some reason my search for the "plants" tab broke all connections, hence the question

09 Oct, 20:04
You don't need to "install" the app - it's just a web page;
You phone may have an "add to home page" button, or similar, for web pages?

Gert Peeters
09 Oct, 20:30
ok thanks... Now I see that the IP-adress of the device has changed... So I've at this moment no acces to the control page... What I've to do ?

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