WaterMate : Control system

WaterMate : Control system »
Rogue watering episode of nearly 30 minutes?

20 Jul, 16:10
As the attached graph shows, my WaterMate Pro seems to have decided to water for nearly 30 minutes on Thursday evening. Is there any way to establish whether it really did pump for that long, or if this is some weird glitch in the graphing software ( I have a large water butt, and I hadn't checked the level before this episode, so I can't really say how much water - if any - was used )? Also, is it possible to establish which Zone was watering?
That leads me to ask whether it would be possible to show on the graph which Zone has watered ( e.g. Z1 Watering 30 sec; Z2 Watering 30 sec; etc. )?
Lastly, could you change the watering labels on the graph to dark blue text on a transparent background? The current white text on a blue background completely obscures the graph at higher temperatures.

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