Harvst greenhouses

Harvst greenhouses »
Some feature requests

20 Aug, 17:22
Hope this is an appropriate forum for this -- I have some suggestions for feature requests for the Sprout greenhouses:

1. When in online mode, allow selection of time zone to determine system time. Right now I can only set time in offline mode and if I put the system online it defaults to UK time with no ability to change.

2. Fan speed control and ability to adjust the duration and fan speed for the hourly air circulation. I would rather run fans at lower RPM for longer because I worry the noise will annoy my neighbors.

3. Ramping fan speed as temperature increases. Similar to the above, the fans probably don't need to run full force the moment the temperature reaches the specified threshold.

4. Dimmers for lights

5. Automatically adjust light timer duration to match photoperiod of location, i.e. turn on/off at sunrise/sunset and automatically adjust over time. This one is probably a bit more involved to do since it'd depend on latitude, so it's very much a pie in the sky wish.

03 Sep, 20:52
Hi Potato - those are some great ideas. We'll see what we can do to implement them. Watch this space. [edited to add below:]

1. Timezones. In our development plan.
2. Fan speed; this we could change with a future firmware update. At the moment, the "recirculation when fans off" which runs from 0minutes to 5minutes past the hour should be running at the slowest fan speed. Is yours not?
3. This is already in place; as soon as target temp is reached, it's slow, then at 5deg+ it's medium then at 10deg+ it's full speed. You should be able to test this by playing around with your target temperature.
4. Unfortunately this would require new control units.
5. A nice idea but you're right - a bit of extra complexity and potentially a rabbit hole in terms of matching real world scenarios. Control units are future-proof for sensors we release, which may include a light sensor.

13 Sep, 21:22
I'm pretty sure my fans run full blast every hour on the hour but I'll check it out. Maybe I just think the low speed is loud, haha.

19 Sep, 07:06
Another feature request I have:

Being able to set different day/night temperatures for the heaters ( e.g. heat up to 15 during the day but only heat up to 5 at night ). I know I can just change stuff around manually every day but that requires me to be home and would also be kinda annoying.

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